The Devil
A unique enemy residing in the northwest artefact tower. Defeating The Devil rewards the flame gauntlet.
Flash 2 ( 7, 10, hits all units facing target, moves caster to target, +5 power per range, unnerve 1, (applies 'Burning' to caster for 12 ticks: 1 damage per 2 ticks, generates heat))
Spit Boil ( 1-3, 15, unnerve 3, applies 'Boiling Oil' for 360 ticks: 1 damage per 6 ticks, fire deals 2x damage to affected goblin)
Lava Flow 2 ( 4, 30, +9 , +1 , breaks destructible objects, applies 'Lava' to hit ground for 200 ticks: ground burns continually. cancelled by water.)
Flash Sweat (passive): fire heals this goblin instead of dealing damage