
From Tenderfoot Tactics

Height (or earth) is a natural property, elemental affinity, and side effect of many skills, represented as Height.

Each tile has a height, the value of which is visible in the bottom left ribbon of the UI. The effect of height is obvious, as it influences how high up the tile is on the battlefield, which can be visualized easily by the horizontal lines that appear where heights differ, indicating each additional point of height. Height has significant effects on movement and sometimes affects attack ranges, particularly for melee attacks.

There seems to be no hard lower or upper limit on height. Height does not seem to change naturally over time; it must be manipulated directly by units. The main effect of height on natural systems is that it causes water to flow downhill.

Skills may have elemental affinities corresponding to earth, which allows them to be used as affinity skills in other breeds with earth affinity. This is mostly indicated by brown colors in the skill's icon, or sometimes by side-effects raising or lowering height.

Apart from skills that directly cause + Height or - Height, which raise or lower the ground, some skills can affect earth in other ways:

  • Smoothing earth, which changes the affected tiles to match the target tile's height.
  • Flattening earth, as with raze and bespeak, which causes affected tiles to match the caster's height.
  • The tectonic status effect will cause any tiles that a goblin moves onto to change height to the goblin's current height.
  • Many skills that are earth-affiliated break destructible objects.